New York Spine Institute Spine Services

Spine Conditions: Extradural Tumors

The qualified and experienced Spinal Specialists at New York Spine Institute can assist you with diagnosing and treating your Extradural Tumors. We have offices throughout Greater New York CIty to help bring you professional and convenient care.*


Understanding the specifics of complex conditions can be frustrating. Here at NYSI, our staff is here to help inform, diagnose, and treat your extradural tumor. An extradural tumor (one of many tumors of the spine) grows within the dura sac, a network of cells, around the spinal cord, this type of tumor usually originates in the vertebrae. Typically they are metastases (cancerous tumors), that originated from other parts of the body and traveled through the blood to the spinal cord. Cancers in the following body parts are known to travel to the spine*:

  • Kidney
  • Breast
  • Prostate
  • Lung

Patients diagnosed with extradural tumors may suffer from pain caused by fractures or instability in their spine. Here at New York Spine Institute our expert doctors and surgeons will fully evaluate you and recommend treatment that optimizes your overall quality of life.*

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Why Choose NYSI

Quality Care

From your initial visit with us here at NYSI up until your final follow-up, our entire staff will treat you with compassion, respect, and top care. Our patients health is our top priority and we are proud to provide such exceptional services.*

Industry Leaders

Head by the renowned Alexandre B. de Moura, M.D., FAAOS, the entire staff here at NYSI has years of experience in various spinal disorders and tumors. With countless industry leaders you are sure to receive the utmost care from everyone here.*

Multiple Languages

At the NYSI we can provide services to all of our patients regardless of their background. Our staff of professional doctors and surgeons speak a variety of languages, including: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, and Russian.*

Understanding the Causes Of Your Extradural Tumors

The majority of extradural tumors are caused by a metastasis from a primary tumor in another region of the body. They can spread through the bloodstream to the spinal cord where they begin to form on the outside of the spine.*

It is difficult to pinpoint an exact cause but some research shows that the chances of having an extradural tumor may correlate to one of the following*:

  • Defective genes
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Inherited conditions

Diagnosing Your Extradural Tumors

One of our experienced doctors will conduct a thorough medical exam, which will include an analysis of the organ(s) where the tumor originated from. In order to fully understand and examine the tumor one of the following imaging tests may be conducted.*

  • X-ray– produces images of internal body parts
  • CT Scan– produces images of organs, bones, and tissue
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)– produces scans of organs and structures

Every patient varies when it comes to symptoms, while some may suffer from debilitating pain, others may not. In conjunction with testing and scans our doctors can determine whether an extradural tumor is present based off of symptoms.*

Based off of the severity of the tumor one or more of the following symptoms may exist*:

  • Pain in the spine or back
  • Weakness in the arms and legs
  • Pinched nerves
  • Vomiting, fever, chills or shakes
  • Paralysis in different regions of the body

After a full exam and array of imaging testing is complete your doctor will then provide you with an in-depth treatment plan to help manage or reduce any symptoms and improve your quality of life.*

Treatment Options For Your Extradural Tumors

When treatment options are recommended for extradural tumors the main factors taken into consideration are to preserve neurological functions, reduce pain, and preserve spinal stability. Our spinal surgeons here at NYSI have years of experience diagnosing and performing surgeries on this type of tumor. A few nonsurgical options for extradural tumors may include chemotherapy, observation and radiation therapy.* 

When surgery is recommended it is typically to confirm the diagnosis, reduce pressure in the spinal cord and nerve roots, and restore any stability issues. For some patients a combination of chemotherapy or radiation therapy with surgery will help slow the progression of the tumor and alleviate pain from any present symptoms.*

Our surgeons and doctors here at NYSI are leaders in the industry and have extensive knowledge of complex spinal conditions, including extradural tumors, and are here to provide you with comprehensive, coordinated care.


*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment will vary by patient and condition. New York Spine Institute does not guarantee certain results.

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