New York Spine Institute Spine Services


Why Choose New York Spine Institute


We are proud to offer our patients state-of-the-art treatment for scoliosis diagnoses. We only offer the highest quality care from renowned specialists.*


lexandre B. de Moura, M.D., FAAOS is the medical director of our facility, who has led our team for years with the knowledge and expertise needed to treat multiple forms of scoliosis.*


To help our patients all over the world, our specialists speak a number of languages including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Russian.

Understanding The Causes Of Your Kyphosis

Kyphosis is a larger-than-normal forward bend of the spine, and is most commonly found in the upper back. There are three types of kyphosis:

  • Post-traumatic Kyphosis: Occurs commonly in the mid-to lower back and is found in those who have fractured one or a number of vertebra from a traumatic accident.
  • Age-associated Kyphosis: Can happen during the aging process and results from conditions like osteoporosis, muscle weakness, degenerative disc disease or spine fractures.
  • Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: Develops during adolescence and can progress into adulthood. It’s due to the abnormal shape of the vertebrae and from a spine that is stiff.

Diagnosing Your Kyphosis

Progressive kyphosis can occur when you experience a spine injury, and can result in pain such as*:

  • Spinal muscle fatigue
  • Chronic swelling
  • Pinched nerve
  • Ongoing issues with siting balance with severe kyphosis

A kyphosis diagnosis can be determined with an X-ray to determine the type of fracture, an MRI to devalue press on the nerves, a CT scan when an x-ray is not sufficient enough or a Biopsy to rule out tumors, infection or other underlying causes of a compression fracture.*

Treatment Options For Kyphosis

If you and your spine doctor are leaning toward a conservative approach, you can utilize pain management (recommended medication or brace) or physical therapy. The goal of this treatment is to correct the curve in your spine with spine stabilization, pain alleviation and an improved neurologic function.*

The scoliosis specialists at the NYSi can help treat your kyphosis. While we emphasize observation and bracing, we can also offer surgery when required.*

When a non-invasive treatment is not viable for your form of kyphosis, surgery may be necessary for pain relief and to improve deformity or decompress the nerve roots.*

Woman holding neck while suffering from scoliosis

Need a Consultation For Your Kyphosis?

Schedule Your Appointment